Being reminded by a colleague of the German hyperinflation of
the 1920s made both of us hurry to the Google search engine for
dates and indices. We discovered that the German Wholesale Price
Index rose from a base of 1.0 in July 1914–just before the outbreak
of war–to 2.6 in January 1919, 12.6 in January 1920, 14.4 in
January 1921, 36.7 in January 1922, 2,785 in January 1923 and
726,000,000,000 in November 1923. By mid 1923 workers were being
paid three times a day. Even if they rushed immediately to the
shops they would most likely be empty. As the economy collapsed
there was not even sufficient paper or printing capacity to create
the money.


This reached its climax around 24th November 1923 when Uranus went
direct at 13degrees 39 of Pisces. Exactly 84 years later on 24th
November 2007, the same planet went direct at 14 degrees 46 minutes
of the same sign. During he months leading up to the 2007 moment,
the US sub-prime lending crisis led to uncertainty in the banking
system and difficulties in Britain of Northern Rock.


Of course, these circumstances in 1923 were special to the
beleaguered post First World War German state. Today, the
organisation of the world economy is very different, much more
integrated and responsible. Or is it? Certainly we do not have
hyperinflation of cash notes in circulation, yet is the spectre of
constant expansion of credit that we are battling with artificially
low interest rates radically any different? Is the effect of such
credit on the inflated value of property all over the world no more
that a sophisticated way of pretending we can base our economies on
constant expansion of services and the production of ever more
possessions? Fundamentally how different are we today, when instead
of printing money we record debt?


Uranus in Pisces may well encourage the view that we can invent
financial schemes that achieve the impossible. In the 1920s,
Neptune in Leo combined to encourage rampant world-wide speculation
that built up to the 1929 Wall Street crash and the consequent
1930s Depression years. Today, Neptune is in the much more serious
and scientific opposite sign of Aquarius and has been mutually
receiving Uranus in Pisces. Hence the skilful manipulation of the
market and the expansion of access to trading by more and more
people via the internet. Indeed, it could be argued that for the 21
years or more since the London Big Bang introduction of electronic
trading, it is the new money and new derivative instruments that
have kept the financial markets not just afloat, but expanding


Big question, can this introduction of new money or ways of hedging
and offsetting continue indefinitely? Big problem, Pluto is leaving
Sagittarius and, through 2008, establishing itself with Jupiter in
Capricorn. The over-optimism that has encouraged us to use our
Aquarian technological brilliance to find ways to expand, consume
and speculate to death is in its very end days. Quite simply, we
cannot go on as we are. The financial ingenuity will have to give
way to realism – especially with Saturn now in Virgo. The
consequences of our consumption of raw materials and energy will
have to be faced–with or without nuclear power.


Furthermore, the time of new obsession with new inventions,
symbolised by Neptune in Aquarius and Uranus in Pisces, is running
out. In the summer of 2010 their mutual reception will start to
end, accompanied by a dramatic T-square between Saturn, Jupiter,
Uranus and Pluto on the cusps of cardinal signs. By January 2012,
not even Chiron will be left in Aquarius. As the world economy and
political infrastructures respond to these astro-events, the room
for manoeuvre will become ever more restricted. Delusions of
grandeur, not taking the right action, getting around problems will
no longer be options. Accepting the reality of personal
responsibility will be all there is to guide us.


While the main thrust of all this is two to three years in the
future, it is important to develop a deep understanding of the
changes ahead right way. For this will enable us to separate good
from bad ideas about the future and to determine what and who are
worth following.


2008 is a transition year, where enough of the over-optimistic
residue of the past remains (especially during the summers months)
to enable us to play down the likely impact of our worries. We have
become so technologically brilliant surely we will invent a
solution; find a way around our problems. Not so! What will make us
feel most at ease in 2008 is sensing we have a realistic grasp of
the future that takes account of imminent astro-cycles. We
understand what got us into our predicaments and have a radically
realistic and refreshingly different way of answering our problems.
We could make a start by being guided by people that understand the
very root cause of our problems and have fresh, radical ideas as to
their resolution.
